Business and Property Litigation
In addition to counseling and representation in employment and construction disputes, Parton & Sell offers clients our professional services in the area of business litigation and property litigation.
Real Property Law | Consumer Rights & Privacy | Toxic Tort & Environmental Liability | Insurance Law | Professional Liability Law
Real Property Law
Parton & Sell’s property litigation attorneys represent homeowner’s associations, property management companies, real estate brokers and agents, commercial and residential owners, residential landlords, commercial landlords and tenants, homeowners, and a wide range of building, landscaping and maintenance contractors.
Ralph Rhoades and Steve Martini have helped clients resolve property litigation issues involving:
- Property lines and easements
- Quiet title and adverse possession suits
- Neighbor disputes
- Housing discrimination
- Breach of habitability claims by residential tenants
- Disability access rights (ADA Title III)
- Tree damage
- Inverse condemnation
- Premises liability
- Construction defects
- Real estate agent and broker errors and omissions
- Commercial leases
- Residential purchase agreements and addenda.
Consumer Rights & Privacy
Our attorneys represent businesses in a variety of consumer rights cases that require litigation. Jim Parton and Margaret Sell have defended Honda and its dealers in state and federal consumer warranty litigation throughout their careers. They have represented a variety of clients in business litigation cases involving allegations of Business & Professions Code Section 17200 unfair business practices and violations of the California Consumer Legal Remedies Act.
Jim Parton also represented an international investment bank sued as a co-conspirator in an alleged mortgage fraud scheme, which settled with no contribution by his client. He has also defended property managers in a series of Fair Credit Reporting Act and state privacy law cases involving the use of credit checks.
Jim Parton has also represented many clients in business litigation cases involving invasion of privacy claims. These include a nonprofit corporation under contract with the State of California alleged to have wrongfully disclosed confidential information regarding disabled individuals and adoptees.
Toxic Tort & Environmental Liability
Parton & Sell is proud to be the “go to” defense firm for clients facing high-risk claims involving toxic tort and environmental claims. The firm has successfully handled business litigation cases over allegations of extensive property damage, cost recovery actions, environmental claims, serious personal injury, purposeful infliction of injury and wrongful death.
Margaret Sell has represented the manufacturers and suppliers of automotive parts, refrigeration units, compressors, boilers, air conditioning units, gears, couplings and stress relief products for whom she has repeatedly obtained voluntary dismissals or minimal settlements.
Insurance Law
Parton & Sell advises and represents insurance carriers on the full range of coverage issues confronting the ever-changing insurance industry. Our insurance attorneys have extensive experience in every facet of insurance coverage, including primary, excess, and reinsurance coverage in domestic and international markets.
Insurance litigation issues successfully handled by the firm include all aspects of coverage under general liability policies in commercial, professional, and personal arenas, and first-party property, crime and business interruption coverage. We also serve as monitoring counsel for insurance carriers defending lawsuits under reservation of rights and Cal/OSHA compliance.
Professional Liability Law
Parton & Sell represents design professionals, medical professionals and insurance agents and brokers against lawsuits alleging professional negligence.
Ralph Rhoades and Randy Campbell have successfully defended architects, structural and geotechnical engineers.
Ralph Rhoades defends insurance agents and brokers in cases alleging professional negligence in the placement of insurance coverage.